
Monday, June 01, 2009

Tithing Rebuttal of: Revelation Knowledge Bible, by Russell Earl Kelly
RKB: In the first lesson in this series we proved that God wants to prosper us and that he does it through his covenant!

Kelly: Tithing was always only food from inside Israel under the Old Covenant. Tithing is never commanded to the Church after Calvay in the New Covenant. Period.
RKB: Key Statement- being a giver (tither and sower) is not about money it’s about obedience to the father and affection for his kingdom!

Kelly: Tithing was never about money. Although money was very common even in Genesis and essential for sanctuary worship, money was never included in 16 texts which describe the contents of the tithe. Tithing was cold hard law whether or not one loved God and was joyful.

RKB: A law is a predetermined formula that when activated or put in use produces certain results. Laws are impartial and can be utilized for prosperity or violated/broken for punishment.

Kelly: The law or statute of of tithing is found primarily in Numbers 18. The Levites and priests who received the first tithe are prohibited from owning and inheriting property. They are also commanded to kill anybody who dares to worship God directly. The Church is not under the law of tithing.

RKB: What 4 factors cause the law of tithes and offerings to work in our favor?The obedience factor Levi 27:30 Job 36:11 Isaiah 1:19 1st Samuel 15:22-23

Kelly: Obedience was only required from food producers who lived inside Israel. Jesus, Peter and Paul did not qualify as tithe-payers and neither did the poor nor those who lived outside Israel.
RKB: The increase factor (seedtime and harvest is the law of increase) Genesis 8:22 John 12:24 John 3:16

Kelly: The increase came only from the miracle hands of God in the form of food and livestock breeding. It did not come from anything man created or increased.
RKB: The others factor (whatever you make happen for others God makes happen for you) Ephesians 6:8 (KJV) Deuteronomy 26:12

Kelly: This has nothing to do with tithing.

RKB: The affection factor (Giving turns our hearts to God which causes God to turn to us) Matthew 6:21 2nd Chronicles 16:9

Kelly: The Bible does not connect this with tithing. It almost sounds like we have to pay God for his love.

RKB: What does God do for you as a Tither and Sower? Malachi 3:8-12 the tithe providing increase and insurance

Kelly: The dishonest priests in Malachi were cursed in 1:14 and 2:2. The whole law was a test --not merely tithing. Obey all to be blessed; break one to be cursed. Galatians 3:10-13 clearly replaces Malachi 3:10 but it is ignroed by tithe teachers.
RKB: 2nd Corinthians 9:6-11 giving releasing a grace from God to always have your needs met

Kelly: This is a general principle and is not related to mandatory tithing.
RKB: Philippians 4:15-19 giving causing the sower to have all their needs met from God’s resources

Kelly: The context reveals that this is a conditional promise to those who have given freewill offerings to help Paul.
RKB: Proverbs 3:9-10 giving causing your accounts to overflow

Kelly: This is good but firstfruts in the OT were not the same as tithes. Firstfruts were very small token offerings per Deu 26:1-4 and Neh 10-:35-38.
RKB: Luke 6:38 giving allowing you to determine the size of your harvest

Kelly: Freewill giving is not the same as tithing.

RKB: 6 things to do if you are not Tithing and Sowing. 1. Get in the word and get established in the law of Tithes and Offerings (meditate in the word to do the word)

Kelly: Yes, yes, yes, Get in the Word and thoroughly research the subject of tithing. You will discover the whole doctrine in its Old Covenant context and limitations.
RKB: 2. Repent with no condemnation

Kelly: Failure to tithe under the Old Covenant brought a curse and condemnation. Christiasn are dead to law per Romans 7:4 and Galatians 3:10-12 replaced Malachi 3:10.
RKB: 3. Figure out what your Tithe and Offering should be and develop a budget to liquidate bills in order to have the money needed

Kelly: No. Discover much better NT giving principles such as: freewill, generous, sacrificial, joyful and motivated by love for God and lost souls. That means more than 10% for many and less for others.

RKB: 4. Tithe time to the Lord (spend 20 hours a week with the Lord through prayer, study, church attendance and service to others, etc)

Kelly: Not biblical. Be a Christians al of the time.

RKB: 5. Give something consistently now6. Look for increase opportunities around you

Kelly: O. K. but this is not about tithing.

Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

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