
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

ATHEISM June 1, 2010

“Why does a mother hen or a soldier give their life to protect another? Because it feels really good. It feels satisfying and rewarding. That's WHY.”
Russ: Incredible. You are destroying your own logic. If a mutant DNA produced a few rare individuals who resist their basic DNA of self-protection, that mutant DNA strand would be REMOVING itself in the “sacrifice.” Another mutant DNA would have to evolve to replace it.
“I could tell you HOW we know that, scientifically; how we know what is going on in the brain when someone behaves selflessly. I could tell you how science believes chickens and humans developed that sort of feeling from that sort of behavior over the eons. But the bottom line is, it feels good. (WHY does it feel good? That's all a HOW is, really. Every answer to a WHY brings up another question.”
Russ: The “feeling” is self-destructive and very short-lived. The doer cannot tell his/her generation how great the feeling was. You said that a HOW is really only a WHY which feels good. So that is WHY people rape and steal –because it FEELS GOOD. No accountability. No justice. No repayment. No sin. No morality. If it feels good, do it. And you actually think you are convincing me to become an atheist!
“Hang around a 3 year old for 5 minutes to see that in action!!)”
Kelly: So a 3 year old pitches a temper tantrum because it feels good – even thought the consequences might NOT feel so good.
“Evolution actually does provide reasons for why animals behave in morally acceptable ways. The survival of the social unit increases the chances for survival of the species. The social unit provides protection, and increases the opportunities for getting food. There are many benefits for getting along and not making enemies.”
Kelly: This is also the justification for criminal gang mentality. Adherence to the rules of the social unit increases the opportunities for survival of the gang’s goals.
“Russell, you seem to be certain that I excuse immoral behavior. I don't believe I've ever said anything to you to indicate that is true. You stereotype me, based what you believe is atheist logic. I hang out with a lot of atheist friends, and none of us excuse immoral behavior. None of us go around with big anger issues, or cheat on our spouses, or go on killing sprees. We work hard for a living, we pay our taxes. We are very much like you. The only thing that is different about us is that we don't pray. When we need help, we turn to each other. Our faith is in our fellow man.”
Kelly: Atheists explain immoral behavior in the same identical way that they explain moral behavior – both are the result of blind mutant genetics. Is that true or not? That is my logic. Do you agree or not? If not, then tell me what is wrong with my conclusion. This is important.

How can I, or why should I, condemn your apparent moral behavior? As a DNA preprogrammed MORAL atheist you have surrounded yourself with like-minded friends for the betterment of all. However you cannot deny that there are also DNA preprogrammed IMMORAL atheists who have surrounded themselves with like-minded anti-society friends for the same reason.
“My husband is bipolar. He engaged in immoral behaviors for many years. He stopped drinking because I would not marry him unless he did. Then after we married, he saw doctors, got medication and counseling, and now is one of the most moral people I know. He did that without any conversion, without any god. He did it because he wanted to be a good person.”
Kelly: Your husband is bi-polar and I have an inherited disease called cone-dystrophy. I do not deny that either mutant genes or damaged genes from disease or drugs caused both. Both are physical imperfections. He has been helped with drugs and counseling. There is no cure for my disease. Your husband allowed his love for you and desire for interaction with you to motivate him to seek help. Having said that, all three of us still have spiritual needs to be fulfilled through conversion. God has still placed into all of us a seeking for a meaning in life beyond ourselves.

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