Assembled by Russell E Kelly, November
7, 2017
1. It
takes the moon 27.3 days to orbit Earth.
The diameter of the moon is .273 the
size of earth.
Calculate yourself: the diameter of the
moon is 2159 miles; the diameter of the earth is 7913 miles; 2159 divided by
7913 is 27.3%.
2. Again, the diameter of the earth is
3.665 larger than the diameter of the moon. This can be a coincidental comparison
to the 365.25 days it takes the earth to orbit the sun. Perhaps the 1.5 day
difference is from the earth being farther from the sun at creation and taking
longer to orbit the sun.
3. The diameter of the sun is 400 times
greater than the diameter of the moon.
Calculate yourself: the diameter of the
moon is 2159 miles; the diameter of the sun is 864,938 miles; 864, 938 divided
by 2159 = 400.619
3. The sun is almost 40 times farther
from the earth than the moon.
Calculate yourself: the moon is 238,000
miles from earth at its nearest point; the sun is 93 million miles from earth
at its nearest point; 238,000 x 40 is 95.2 million. Since creation the earth
has drawn closer to the sun.
4. Since the moon is 1/40 the distance
from the sun as the moon AND since the moon's diameter is 1/40th that of the sun,
THEN the two appear almost the same size and permit a full eclipse of the sun
by the moon.
5. Since the moon is slowly pulling
away from the earth, at one time it was nearer and all eclipses were total. In
the future no eclipses will be total as it draws farther away from the earth at
each revolution.
Think about it -- we are living in that
small window of time in which some eclipses are total and some are partial.
If my facts are wrong, or if you have
additional facts, please send them to me. Thanks.