
Tuesday, January 02, 2018


By Russell Earl Kelly, PHD, January 2, 2018

DADDY FREEZE, Lagos, Nigeria, appears to be God's man for our modern time to bring reform to all Christianity.

Daddy Freeze is an extremely popular media host who lives in Lagos, Nigeria.  It appears that he was asked to speak at a local church and used that sermon to disagree with the abuses of tithing in Nigeria. The result of that sermon has sparked a much needed debate in Nigeria over tithing.

The reason for Daddy Freeze's biblical objections is the fact that Nigeria has spawned mostly Pentecostal church pastors who have fleeced their extremely poor flocks and have purchased often numerous private jets and opulent lifestyles while the vast majority of their "tithing" parishioners remain poor. In a country rich and oil and threatened with Muslim terrorism, real Christianity has been replaced by a false "Christian prosperity" gospel which makes the job of converting abused converts to Islam easier.

I have been commenting on blogs from Nigeria for several years hoping to influence its honest leaders with the biblical arguments against tithing (and for sacrificial freewill giving).

I have just competed watching a You Tube video found by Googling "tithing Daddy Freeze." It was a 54 minute video by Linda Ikeji who admits to being a tither and asked hard questions. I was very impressed with the sincerity and Bible knowledge of Daddy Freeze. Although we disagree on several points, I am convinced that he is far more correct than he is wrong and recommend him to all.

Daddy Freeze appears to have been influenced by my book, website and videos either firsthand or (unknowingly) second hand. He refers to Nehemiah 10:38 and Malachi 2:1 and many other of my favorite text exactly as I do. Who cares? I am not in this for the money. I just want to see one major denomination accept the truth before I pass.

Daddy Freeze: Please correspond with me.

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