
Sunday, November 22, 2020







GA COUNTY        DEM%   REP%    DEM      REP       POPULATION

CLAYTON-16       85.1       13.2     75,908  11,740  280,025   31%

2020                 85.0      14.1      95,476  15,813  292,256   38%

                                                19,568               12,231


            Population increased 12,231 Democrat voters increased 19,568!

            19,568 more Democratic voters since 2016

              4,073 more Republican voters since 2016

            15,495 Democratic gain in voters.


COBB-16            48.8      46.7     159,416    152,602   748,041 42%

2020                 56.3        42.0     221,846    165,459   765,029 51%

                                                  62,430                  16,988


            Population increased 16,988; Democratic voters increased 62,430.

            62,430 new Democratic voters since 2016

            12,857 new Republican voters since 2016

            49,563 gain for Democrats



CLAYTON-16       85.1      13.2       75,908        11,740       280,025             31%

2020                  85.0      14.1        95,476        15,813       292,256             38%

                                                   19,568                           12,231


        Population increased 12,231 Democrat voters increased 19,568!

        19,568 more Democratic voters since 2016

         4,073 more Republican voters since 2016

        15,495 Democratic gain in voters.



COBB-16          48.8        46.7      159,416    152,602   748,041             42%

2020                56.3        42.0      221,846    165,459   765,029             51%

                                                    62,430                    16,988


        Population increased 16,988; Democratic voters increased 62,430.

        62,430 new Democratic voters since 2016

        12,857 new Republican voters since 2016

        49,563 gain for Democrats




DEKALB-16       80.8     16.1          239,131     47,531         747,482             38%

2020                83.1     15.7          308,227     58,373         765,498             48%

                                                     69,146                         18,016


        Population increase 18,000; Democratic voters increased 69,146                               

        69,096 new Democratic voters since 2016

        10,842 new Republican voters since 2016

        58, 254 gain for Democrats




FULTON-16       69.2     27.1         281,875   110,372    1,022,710    38%     

2020                72.6      26.2        381,144   137,240    1,072,570    48%

                                                    99,269                        49,860


        Population increased 49,860; Democratic voters increased 99,269          

        99,269 new Democratic voters since 2016

        26,868 new Republican voters since 2016

        72,401 gain for Democrats



GWINNETT         51.0    45.2          165,063        146,463    905,277    34%

2020                 58.4    40.2          241,827        166,413    9 47,037   43%

                                                    76,764                            41,760            


        Population increased 41,760; Democratic voters increased 76,764

         76,764 new Democratic voters since 2016

         19,950 new Republican voters since 2016

        56,814 gain for Democrats




DEKALB-16        80.8      16.1       239,131         47,531            747,482    38%

2020                 83.1      15.7       308,227         58,373            765,498   48%

                                                 69,146                                   18,016


            Population increase  18,000; Democratic voters increased 69,146                                     

            69,096 new Democratic voters since 2016

            10,842 new Republican voters since 2016

            58, 254 gain for Democrats




FULTON-16        69.2      27.1      281,875         110,372    1,022,710   38%

2020                 72.6      26.2      381,144         137,240    1,072,570   48%

                                                 99,269                             49,860


            Population increased 49,860; Democratic voters increased 99,269 

            99,269 new Democratic voters since 2016

            26,868 new Republican voters since 2016

            72,401 gain for Democrats




GWINNETT         51.0      45.2      165,063      146,463  905,277    34%

2020                 58.4      40.2      241,827      166,413  947,037    43%

                                                  76,764                     41,760


            Population increased 41,760; Democratic voters increased 76,764.

             76,764 new Democratic voters since 2016

             19,950 new Republican voters since 2016

            56,814 gain for Democrats




1. What are the odds of Atlanta’s Fulton and DeKalb counties both having 38% of the population voting in 2016 and both having 48% voting in 2020?


2. What are the odds of the five Atlanta-area counties gaining 252,537 voters? What happened? Clayton 15,495; Cobb 49,573; DeKalb 58,254; Fulton 72,401 and Gwinnett 56,814.


3. What are the odds of 4-5 Atlanta-area counties each increasing their voter turnout between 9-10%? Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett.


4. What are the odds of new voters increasing far more than population increases?


5. How often do 48-51% of the population vote?


Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

1 comment:

Lex said...

Have you done the same exercise on the previous election when Donald Trump won expectantly to see if those results were “suspicious”