
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Why I Disagree with Roman Catholicism


By Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

November 6, 2020


I am almost 76 years old.  I have been writing for over 55 years and this is my first article on Roman Catholicism. In other words, this is not a pastime for me. This article is in response to a request to begin a dialog with a Roman Catholic. I am convinced that there are true Christians within every denomination who have recognized themselves to be lost sinners and have asked God to forgive them because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.



My greatest question is “What is Roman Catholicism?” When did it begin? Is it defined by a point in history or by its doctrines?


Roman Catholics teach that it is the true church which was created by Jesus Christ with the Apostle Peter as its first pope.


I believe that the true church is not an organization. It is the universal body of all believers in Christ as Lord and Savior --- regardless of other doctrinal differences. The Bible says that Jesus’ half-brother James was head of the first church in Jerusalem (Acts 15 and 21) and history records that James was succeeded by Simeon (not Peter), another half-brother of Jesus who lived beyond A. D. 100.


The necessary doctrines of the early church before A. D. 300 are similar to my own very simple Baptist faith and do not require acceptance of a pope, the intercession of saints or confession to earthly priests. The doctrines which define the current Roman Catholic Church today have evolved over almost two thousand years. It is impossible to define the Roman Catholic Church by its doctrines. 



Roman Catholics teach that baptism by its church is essential for salvation.


The Bible teaches that Christ’s own baptism (not man’s) fulfills God’s righteous requirement and is placed on the believer’s account (Matthew 3:15; 1 Pet 3:21).





Roman Catholics teach that babies must be baptized or will spend eternity in Limbo.


This is not taught in the Bible. First, Limbo does not exist. Second, only those mature enough to make the decision to believe should be baptized; the requirement is “repent and be baptized”; babies cannot repent (James 4:17).



Roman Catholics teach that they gave the Bible to the world and only they can properly interpret it. They translated it from Hebrew and Greek to Latin and (for most of its history) restricted its reading to its own clergy. It was on their List of Forbidden Books for the laity (1545-1564). The list officially ended in 1966 when the Church began to encourage its laity to own and read the Bible.


I believe that God gave the Bible to all mankind and each person should study it and decide how it should be interpreted.



Roman Catholics teach that church tradition is equal in authority to the Bible.


Jesus often condemned equating tradition to God’s Word (Matthew 7:7; 15:2). I believe that tradition is inferior to the Bible. This usually results in placing tradition and other writings equal to, or above, the Bible.



Roman Catholics teach that literally eating the body of Christ and literally drinking the blood of Christ through communion (they call it the “mass”) infuses saving grace within the believer following a sincere confessional visit.


I believe that communion is symbolic. The Bible does not call it the “mass.” The Bible also calls Christ a stone (Matthew 21:42),  a lamb (John 1:29), a door (John 10:7), a road (John 14:6), and a Lion (Revelation 5:5). Eating communion is not emphasized as essential for salvation in salvation texts.



Roman Catholics teach that Catholics must regularly confess their sins to a priest to receive forgiveness and remain in the graces of the Church.


That is not in the New Testament for Christians. The Bible teaches that all believers are priests (compare Exodus 19:5-6 with 1 Peter 2:9-10 and Revelation 5:10). The confessional did not become a legal requirement until A. D. 1215.



Roman Catholics genuflect when entering the center aisle of the church opposite the wafer and wine of the mass. This is to respect the Presence of God in the mass elements.


This is not biblical. The Presence of God is within the true believer in the Person of the Holy Spirit (1 Co 3:16).



Roman Catholics teach that priests, Mary and designated saints can also receive prayers and intercede for believers to get the attention and favor of Christ.


The Bible says that there is only one intercessor between God and mankind and that is Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). Also, one would have to be omniscient in order to receive prayers and that is not biblical.



Roman Catholics teach that Mary is the “Mother of God” and acts as a mediator and intercessor and receives prayers of the rosary. She was protected from original sin, did not have a sin nature and was sinless.


They Bible says that Mary called God her “Savior.” The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception came very late in history (1854). Also, she was not omniscient and cannot receive prayers.



Roman Catholics teach that there is only one true leader of the church called the Pope who is chosen by Cardinals.


This is not in the Bible. For many centuries every major city in the Roman Empire had a pope over its Christian church. The Pope at Rome did not have authority over other popes. The fall of Africa and Asia to the Muslims in the 8th century allowed the Roman pope to declare sole power in the West. Cardinals were created to remove the selection of popes from kings, ruling families and the laity; this failed often as kings and ruling families selected popes for centuries. Also, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch has always opposed the Roman Pope as equal or superior authority.



Based upon the writings of Augustine and Aquinas, Roman Catholics teach a periods eventual salvation was decided before birth and man does not have free will to choose to be saved. This doctrine is often ignored.


Presbyterians and Lutherans teach the same thing. Muslims agree and call it “determinism.” Almost all Christian denominations reject this.



Roman Catholics teach that church officers should be called, priests, arch-bishops, cardinals and popes.


This is not found in the Bible. The only officials are called elders and bishops which are the same thing. The mission of elders and bishops is to act as pastors, or shepherds.



Roman Catholics teach that church members must confess their sins to leaders called priests.


Again, the Bible teaches that believers are to confess sins against God only to Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). They are confess their sins (against each other) to each other (James 5:16).



Roman Catholics teach that salvation is received as the result of an infusion of grace through the “sacraments.” Receiving sacramental grace places righteousness within the believer.


I believe that salvation is received “by grace through faith alone” (Ephesians 2:8) simply by sincerely accepting Christ as one’s personal Lord and Savior (John 3:16). Christ covers the believer with His righteousness and the believer is accepted by the Father.


In Christ’s love

Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

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